The "becomes" Command
This template allows you to keep using just one character and story line by using the "becomes" command. If you don't know the command, you can read more about it by clicking the below button:
Plus Size Body Type Choice Template
You will need to create a separate pluse size character.
If the plus size body is chosen, your main character will "become" that character and have that body look. So you will continue to use your main character through out the rest of the story.
NOTE: This template uses the "CHARACTER changes into body" for the generic/athelic/soft body types. This does not show in the web previewer. You will need to test your story in the app to see these body type changes.
The above command will make the generic character look exactly like the plus size character, appearance and outfit.
But it only makes them appear like the plus size character. This command does not change their body type. A generic female becoming a plus size female will ONLY make her look like the plus size character, but she is still technically be the generic body type. This means you cannot change into a plus size outfit, otherwise you will get the "mixing body type" error message.
Generic, Athletic, and Soft bodies all use the same generic body shape which means that they all fit into the same outfits.
If you're going to allow your readers to customize, you will have to use a customization template with a TWIN character added into the template. The "twin" character will be the plus size character, so that both the main character and the plus size character will get customized at the same time.
This template is a full customzation template with the pluse size and other body type choices included.
Female Plus Size Full Customization Template
How To Change Outfits
Every time you want to change outfits, you will need to change the plus size character into the plus size outfit first, then you will have to make the main character become the plus size character again.
You will need to use if/else every time your character changes outfits.
Generic, Athletic, and Soft bodies all use the same generic body shape which means that they all fit into the same outfits. So the "else" is where you change their outfits.
Here is a simple choice template to let readers choose a body type without the
full customization.